Laravel security: how to make such solutions more secure

Laravel is a powerful PHP framework designed to make web application development easier and faster. It has many features that allow you to create powerful applications without the need for an experienced web developer.

Laravel also offers many ways to make your website more secure. In this blog post, we will discuss how to secure your Laravel website so that it cannot be hacked or compromised.

Why are these PHP frameworks solutions secure?

Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. It offers a wide range of features for creating modern, robust websites. Laravel solutions are secure because they follow the best practices set by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). These include input validation and encoding to prevent injection attacks, “secure defaults” to further reduce security risks without compromising the user experience, encryption in transit and at rest to protect data integrity during exchanges between servers and clients.

What are the options to make the web application more secure?

The possibilities to make your web application more secure with Laravel are limitless. You can use it to protect data, authenticate users, and ensure that only authenticated users have access to sensitive information. There are three types of security in Laravel: authentication, authorization and encryption. Authentication is the process of confirming a user’s identity using credentials they provide when accessing a system or service. Authorization is the process of giving an authenticated user exclusive access to certain features on a website, depending on their role in that organization. Encryption converts data into a code so that it cannot be read without first being decrypted.

Advantages over other systems

There are a lot of great frameworks out there, and it can be difficult to choose one. The Laravel framework is popular because it offers an excellent balance between agility and stability.

Laravel not only provides the basics you need to build modern applications, but also has a large community that offers more support and tutorials than other frameworks. In this post we will discuss 12 reasons why Laravel is better than other frameworks!

  • Laravel is developed using the latest web development technologies.
  • Laravel has a large community of users and developers.
  • Laravel provides elegant solutions to complex problems.
  • The code written in Laravel is cleaner than that of other frameworks, which makes it easier for new developers to understand how it works.
  • Laravel offers strong security features – It is a secure framework.
  • Laravel is a comprehensive framework with everything you need to develop modern applications.
  • Laravel offers great support and tutorials for new developers.
  • With powerful tools like Forge, Envoyer, Spark, Homestead and Valet, Laravel makes it easier for developers to deploy their applications on the web.
  • Laravel is easy to learn, even if you have no experience with PHP frameworks.
  • Laravel offers developers many shortcuts that reduce development time and effort.

10 reasons why you should use exactly the framework for your solutions

Reason 1: Application security starts with the framework. The foundation for a secure Laravel website is contained in the core of the application. The security advisory page lists all known vulnerabilities and provides detailed information about each vulnerability and how to update your installation to be protected against them. If you are ever unsure if things are configured securely. Just do a quick Google search with the error you are getting and you will probably find an article on how to fix it.

Reason 2: Laravel also provides tools to help developers work securely. For example, Blade automatically bypasses all output to prevent hackers from injecting malicious code into your application that could lead to security vulnerabilities.

Reason 3: Laravel has removed entire directories from its default installation. Files that are not essential to the core functionality of the framework (such as tests, factories, and console commands) have been completely removed, as they can often be used by hackers for nefarious purposes. This means that you don’t have to worry about hidden files or folders when working with a new installation of Laravel.

Reason 4: Out-of-the-box security testing: Laravel ships with simple tests that let you automatically check your application for security vulnerabilities before you deploy it, and also help prevent regressions in future updates. These tools ensure that developers have a secure development environment so they can write secure code.

Reason 5: Laravel’s built-in security policies are open source, so it’s easy to see what features are being used by the framework. This way, you can easily determine if there are vulnerabilities left out of your custom code or third-party packages/libraries.

Reason 6: Heartbeat: Heartbeat is a feature that helps prevent many types of DOS attacks by limiting the number of requests allowed per account. This limits the time and resources spent on handling a single request and ensures that even poorly written third-party code can’t bring your site to its knees. Heartbeat also protects against brute force attacks; if a user makes more attempts than allowed, the request will fail.

Reason 7: Rate limiting with tokens: Laravel allows you to limit each action with a simple token system that controls how many times an IP address can perform certain actions before being locked out for 60 minutes. This limits the impact of brute force attacks by enforcing rules to throttle logins. Developers are able to create custom tokens that they can use to introduce rate limiting for anything they want.

Reason 8: Password hashing policies are customizable: By default, Laravel salts and hates your users’ passwords with bcrypt . However, if you are interested in other algorithms like argon or phpass, each algorithm has a file that contains all its related functionality. Of course, you can also implement a completely different algorithm.

Reason 9: The framework’s security library has been reviewed by many security experts from around the world. It follows best practices and is considered one of the most secure packages available for Laravel today. For example, prepared SQL statements are used to prevent vulnerabilities related to incorrect escaping.

Reason 10: Laravel includes an input validation class that checks the user’s input and ensures that it is of a certain type (e.g., email or URL), format, size, and more. If the developer has not set validation rules for a particular field, Laravel automatically adds one to avoid common errors.


In summary, Laravel is an excellent PHP framework because of its security features. And why? Well, that’s because Laravel provides a variety of tools to protect your application and data against different types of security threats.

For example, Laravel offers an ORM for working with databases that has built-in support for protecting against SQL injections thanks to parameterized queries.

Laravel also helps you protect your web applications by using CSRF tokens and validating the HTML coding of all entries from the request body or POST parameters.

As we have seen in this article, there are many ways to protect the server from different types of hackers or users with bad intentions. You don’t have to worry about your data being compromised when you use a Laravel solution.

Interesting links:

Security breach with Laravel at a bank?

Laravel authentication system

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